Baby photography session in London – Baby Dylan

I loved this baby photography session in London. Photographing seven-week old baby Dylan in his home was a lovely way to spend a morning. He was so sweet and calm and he even wanted to show his cute smile to the camera before drifting off into a blissful sleep. Baby photography is not just about capturing the joyful waking moments but also about the contented periods of rest too.

Natural baby photography sessions in the comfort of your own home

I like to keep my baby photography as natural as possible, as I do in all my work. So I go to the parents’ home, where they can feel really comfortable. There is no rush. I allow enough time for feeding and nappy changes. And I stay however long it takes to get a good selection of images. As I remember when my two were tiny, babies are unpredictable. And the last thing I want is for the parents to be worried about running out of time in our baby photography session.

I don’t use props either – I just use the family home as the backdrop. In years to come it will be wonderful for the grown up children to see where it was that they spent their early years.

I’m always asked a lot about when is the best time to photograph a baby. My answer is always the same – whatever age you like! I do explain the different type of photos you will get at each stage though. In the first couple of weeks you’ll get those cute, sleepy photos which show just how tiny a newborn is. At around a month old you start to get more interaction between the baby and parents. This is lovely for showing the unique relationship between the family members. And if you wait until the baby is sitting up you can get independent photos of the baby. This can work really well outside in your favourite park. And once your little one starts to crawl or toddle I get my trainers on so I can keep up with them 🙂

As you will see from the images, Dylan was a perfect subject. It was great to meet his mum too – Louise creates beautiful, personalised artwork for children at



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