Events Photography – BBC Television Centre – London

Posted by & filed under Portraits.

As well as being busy photographing families I’m doing more and more events photography these days and I love it! I’ve always really enjoyed photographing life as it happens, without any intervention from me at all. With events photography this is exactly what I’m asked to do! It’s great to capture moments of people interacting. Either meeting for the first time or reacquainting themselves with old friends.

Photographing at the BBC Television Centre

I’m also rather fascinated with the TV and film industry. In another life I think it’s a world I would really enjoy working in. So, can you imagine my joy when I was asked to photograph a rather special event organised at the newly refurbished BBC Television Centre in White City? To say I was a little excited is the understatement of the year!

I arrived at The Television Centre one beautifully warm evening last month to photograph a tour around this fantastic building. It was looking amazing after it’s five-year revamp. The evening started with a drinks reception in the foyer. The architecture there is just fantastic, especially as you look up and see the staircases above you. After a meet and greet the tour began. There were so many highlights for me exploring this amazing building. One of them has to be when we went in the studio where the Graham Norton Show is filmed. I’m a big fan of the show and it was fantastic to see where it all happens. I also loved the huge office space higher up in the building, which was empty at the time, with the most amazing views over London.

My guilty pleasure!

And between you and me I have to admit to being excited about being in the building where This Morning is filmed! One of the perks for me of being a photographer is being able to spend so much time at home editing. I’ve never been keen on working in silence, so I love to listen to podcasts or have This Morning on in the background while working on photos. It’s one of my guilty pleasures in life!

I hope you enjoy seeing some of these photos of the BBC Television Centre – if you get a chance to have a look around this spectacular building I highly recommend it!

And please do get in touch if you have any events you’d like photographed on or 07813 816335

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