Spring Portrait – London Vacation Photography

So much has changed since my last blog and I’m finding it difficult to know what to write at the moment. Coronarvirus has hit the world hard and it’s a strange and frightening time. I had no idea at the time of this photo that this would be my last London vacation session for a while, indeed my last family photography session for probably a few months.

At the moment we’re nearly three weeks into lockdown in London. All my family photography sessions have been postponed indefinitely. I have no idea when the world will return to normal, but it’s important to stay home right now. I’m really missing meeting and photographing all the families that had booked sessions this Spring but am making the best of the free time I now have.

A perfect London vacation photography session

I’m enjoying looking back at the photos from this wonderful London vacation photography session. I had such a great time and as it was my last photoshoot before lockdown the photos are very special to me. This lovely American family were on a week’s holiday in London when I met up with them. Everything about the session was just perfect. They were such fun to be with and were totally happy to walk miles while we explored some of the best locations in London!

A natural family portrait with spring flowers

I love this image of them – so happy amongst the beautiful daffodils in one of London’s stunning parks. Now we’re in lockdown I’m appreciating everything in life so much more. We’re only allowed to have one walk a day for exercise and I savour every minute of it. The weather at the moment is beautiful and I walk around the streets of London, near my home, enjoying the blossoms and flowers in bloom. I can’t wait to return to the big London parks for more vacation photography sessions, but for now I’m going to enjoy the images from my last one. I really couldn’t have asked for a better family to photograph in this very special family photography session.

London vacation