These days I spend most of my working life photographing families and I absolutely love it. There’s never a dull day and the sessions are always full of games, fun and laughter. It’s perfectly natural to have a small amount of chaos and a few tears, but the session is definitely never, ever boring! However it’s always lovely to have a change and this shoot certainly was something totally different. It was quiet and calm and there wasn’t a tantrum in sight! For one day I became a London yoga photographer and I loved it. My sister-in-law, Zena, is an amazing yoga teacher at She asked me if I could take some photographs for her publicity and website purposes. It was a definite yes from me!
Yoga in Bishops Park and Fulham Palace
We decided to do something a little different and take the photographs in an outdoor setting rather than in a studio. So we met up in Fulham one beautiful summers morning and wandered around Bishops Park and Fulham Palace striking up some amazing yoga poses (well one of us did!) rather to the bemusement of the other people outside enjoying the park. We had to work quite fast with a few of the poses – there’s only so long you want to stand on your head while the photographer perfects the shot, so it was a fascinating challenge.
We ended up with a wide variety of photographs, with a whole host of yoga poses, using many of the beautiful backdrops of Bishops Park and Fulham Palace. Some of my favourite images were taken along the River Thames path and also on the pretty bridge across the duck pond. By the time we’d finished we both went home exhausted but happy with the day’s work.
So after this wonderfully serene shoot it’s back to families for me now. And I’m feeling inspired to take up a bit of yoga, to infuse some peace into my life…. I’m not going to rush into it though.