London Baby and Pet Photography

I love photographing babies and children of all ages. There are so many different special milestones in that first year. The first smile, the first laugh, sitting up, crawling, first tentative steps. They are all great stages to photograph. With this London baby and pet photography session I was lucky enough to not only photograph a cute little boy at the wonderful stage where he was starting to take his first steps, but also his mum and dad and his best friend, the pet dog!

Best of buddies!

The dog had arrived in the family not long before the baby boy, so these two buddies were growing up together. They were the best of friends, and it was so sweet to watch how close they were.

Now how does that saying go?  Never work with children or animals I think! I find it so funny that that is what I find myself doing regularly and I love it! I think it’s because I don’t like my family photography sessions to be too organised and structured. I’m not so keen on the more posed family portraits. And having young children and animals around means there’s no chance of that at all!

Our baby and pet photography session began in the family home, where most of my sessions start. We started by getting some lovely images of the little boy with his canine friend in the garden. Then we moved upstairs, where the light in family homes is often lovely.

We then made our way to the nearby park, where the family spend a lot of their time at the weekends. It was great to see the little boy tentatively take some steps between his parents and crawling at top speed across the grass.

I’m so in love with my own little dog!

The dog made such a wonderful addition to the photos. I’ve become a dog owner myself in the last couple of years and I totally understand how they become a member of your family. It was especially touching in this case, where the dog and baby were so similar in age.

If you’re interested in a fun London baby and pet photography session please do get in touch. It would be great to meet you and create some beautiful images of all the family members. And I’d love to include any pets you may have too.

Baby boy and his dog sitting on a bed. Boy looking at camera holding onto a blue deckchair. Dad laughing while his son walks toward to him. Baby boy laughing on bed. Man throwing his baby boy into the air. Baby boy holding his mum's hand. Baby boy sitting on grass laughing. Mum and dad stroking their dog and son's heads. Baby boy taking steps between his mum and dad. Dad blowing bubbles with dog and baby boy sitting next to him. Boy and dog sitting on grass, with a finger pointing at them. Baby boy sitting with his dog, who has his tongue out. Dog walking along a tree trunk between man and lady. Mum, Dad, baby son and dog sitting on a tree trunk. Happy baby boy in a swing. Mother holding her baby boy.